
Male Elite (Without Head Guards)
Born between 01-01-1984 and 31-12-2005, over 20 Contests
Note: Competing in the Elite section of the Celtic Box Cup does not have any impact on the Senior status of Irish boxers

Female Elite (With Head Guards)
Born between 01-01-1984 and 31-12-2005, over 15 Contests
Note: Competing in the Elite section of the Celtic Box Cup does not have any impact on the Senior status of Irish boxers

Male Senior (Without Head Guards)
Born between 01-01-1984 and 31-12-2005, up to and including 20 contests

Female Senior (With Head Guards)
Born between 01-01-1984 and 31-12-2005, up to and including 15 contests

Male Youth (With Head Guards)
Born between 01-01-2006 and 31-12-2007
Male Youth A: 16+ Bouts
Male Youth B: 2-15 Bouts

Female Youth (With Head Guards)
Born between 01-01-2006 and 31-12-2007
Female Youth A: 11+ Bouts
Female Youth B: 2-10 Bouts